History and Beliefs
Our history and what we believe in

Christianity is committed to a fundamental cultural change that is irreversible. All values transmitted by civilization at the end of the 20th century are contested and are being progressively abolished such that we find ourselves, little by little, in a situation similar to that of the 1st century of our era.
Almost everything has changed since the last century; family life, education, relationships, communication, lifestyle, and government. In all these aspects, the norms and traditional structures have been replaced by new rules and other forms. In this context, every organization that wants to survive must change. Thus, churches are beginning only now to realize that their survival is in jeopardy. Often, they give the impression of being anomalies in the middle of a transformed landscape; they are symbols of a time past when institutions held all the strings of power in their hands.
The Faith Baptist Church opened its doors in the month of August 1996 at Silver Spring, Maryland. It aspires to be a church that works toward the fulfillment of all its members, in conformance with biblical thought, with a mission that is based on egalitarianism.
We believe that the gifts accorded to believers are very diverse, as are the ministries. According to the apostle Paul, diversity is one of the essential characteristics of ministries in the body of Christ (Ro. 12:4-8; 1Co. 12:4-11, 14-23).
We also believe that alongside ministries that are accessible to all members are individual ministries conferred upon men and women upon whom God has called for a special vocation and accorded the charisma that designates them to be at the service of other church members.
We believe that the New Testament abolishes any distinction between pastors and followers. Thus all functions are currently available to all believers. As we have all received one or more gifts, we are all called upon to put these gifts to good use (1Pi. 4:10); in other words, to exercise a ministry in the church. A ministry in the church is, therefore, the logical and obligatory conclusion of Gifts of service.
Our faces are now turned toward Jesus Christ alone and in the manner of those Christians of Berea who “searched the scriptures daily, [to see] whether those things were so” (Ac. 17:11).
Dr. Fritz E. Olivier
BELIEFS (French)

Founded in August 1996
A member of DC Baptist Convention, L’Eglise Baptiste de la Foi is open to all evangelical federations and assemblies that wish to come closer to it.
In the Old Building
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